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First, the scenario in which all objects are grouped will be created. For this scenario we recommend the name "CS_SII_Consulta_Lote".

Next we will create the two channels that will be used in each ICO of the consultations. For each system from which the queries are desired, a SOAP XI type channel will be generated, similar to the CC_S_ABAP_PROXY of point 3.
In addition, a single channel "CC_R_SOAP_ConsultaLote" must be generated, this channel will be of type _B_PLUS_AAPP_ESP_ and will only invoke the corresponding query

This properties file is the same for any type of query, it contains a wscall module with which the call to the query service is made and an xmltransformError module, which only comes into operation if the call to the AEAT service does not return a correct query.

Creation of ICOs 

For each one of the operations of consultation of the different books will have to realize its corresponding ICO.
Inbound Processing
            Communication Channel: CC_S_ABAP_PROXY_ConsultaLote
            Receiver Determination: Standard
            Communication Component: BC_AAPP
Receiver Interfaces
            Name: SI_IS_ConsultaLote_BIEINV
            OM: N/A
Outbound Processing
            Communication Channel: CC_R_SOAP_ConsultaLote

For the rest of ICOS, only the Outbound and Inbound Service Interface must be changed, for the corresponding ones of each operation. The 16 Service Interface (8 input and 8 output) are defined in the namespace from SC_SII 1.0 of 

For this scenario the name of the Receiver Bussiness component (for our example BC_AAPP) is not mandatory for the correct execution of the scenario.

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