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REST/MVC Path for artifact definition
HTTP MethodPathDescriptionController Method
/rest/artifacts/{artifactId}Retrieves artifact file by artifactIdgetArtifact(artifactId: String)
  • artifactId: Artifact identifier (Path parameter)
/rest/artifacts/{versiontId}/artifactsRetrives zipped artifact files by versionIdgetPackagedArtifacts(versionId: String)


  • versionId: Version Identifier (Path parameter)

/rest/artifacts/{artifactId}/metadataRetrieves artifact metadata

getArtifactMetadata(artifactId: String)

  • artifactId: Artifact identifier (Path parameter)
/rest/artifacts/{versionId}Uploads an artifact to the provided versionIduploadArtifacts(versionId: String, artifacts : List<FileAttachmentDTO artifacts, replace : boolean)
  • versionIdVersion identifier (Path parameter)
  • artifacts: Artifact Files (provided from mime-multipart)
  • replace: Indicates if previous artifacts maybe replaced (Request parameter)
/rest/artifacts/{artifactId}Removes an existent artifactremoveArtifact(artifactId: String)
  • artifactId: Artifact identifier (Path parameter)

  • Sin etiquetas