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UC-06a | UserManagement - Add user |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - User must be logged
Description | Functionality to add new users |
Secuence | - User requests to add a user
- System returns user creation form
- User add customer data:
- A user may have multiple roles but ROLE_USER cannot mixed with any other role.
- If user is created with ROLE_USER and as initial user it will be marked as default contact person and cannot be modified)
- If user is created as default contact person, email and phone fields are mandatory.
- If new user is marked as contact person for a customer, system may unmark previous contact person if it existed.
- if new user is associated with a customerId, system adds customer linkage.
- System saves user.
- If email is defined, system sends a confirmation email.
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who created that user. |
Exceptions | System must reject user creation if username just exists. System must reject user createion if role is ROLE_USER and customerId is not defined. |
Comments | None |
UC-06b | UserManagement - Update user |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - User must be logged
Description | Functionality to update a customer |
Secuence | - User requests to obtain a user entity by primary key.
- System returns user model.
- User updates general information. Stats fields cannot be modified (failed tries, and blocks).
- User may change the associated customer taking some considerations:
- A user may have multiple roles but ROLE_USER cannot mixed with any other role.
- Only users with ROLE_USER can be linked to a customer (so removing that role implies removing current linkage).
- Users with ROLE_USER must have an associated customer (so adding this role implies a mandatory customer linkage).
- System may offer the option to update the users associated to customer (@see UC-06b UserManagement-updateUser)
- System may offer the option to update the products licensed to current customer (@see UC-07b LicenseManagement-updateProductLicense)
- System save customer information.
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who modified that customer. |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primarey key does not exist. |
Comments | None |
UC-06c | UserManagement - Remove user |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - User must be logged
Description | Functionality to remove a user |
Secuence | - User request to remove a user.
- System will check for associated customers restrictions and warn the user about to:
- If candidate user to be removed is the customer contact person system will warn to select another contact first.
- If customer only has one associated users, it cannot be removed.
- User accepts to remove the user.
- System removes the user.
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primary key does not exist. System will raise and exception if customer restrictions are not being satisfied. |
Comments | None |
UC-06d | UserManagement - Find users |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - User must be logged
Description | Functionality to search for users |
Secuence | - User request for a list of users.
- System will query database using provided parameters
- System will return the result list.
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | None |
Comments | None |
UC-06e | UserManagement - Unblock user |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - User must be logged
Description | Functionality to unblock a user |
Secuence | - User requests to unblock a blocked users by number of failed logins exceeded from users list.
- System will update user.
- System will return to the users list.
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primary key does not exist. |
Comments | None |
UC-06f | UserManagement - Reset password |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - Users with role ROLE_ADMINISTRATIVE_USER may reset passwords from other users
Description | Functionality to reset password |
Secuence | - User requests to reset a password
- If role is ANONYMOUS (not logged)
- System returns recovery form.
- Users sends current username or email
- System generates a new password and it will send the new password to the provided email y username and email matches
- System returns recovery form for selected user
- Admin User sets new user password.
- System sends the new password to the user email.(no validation performed)
- Other logged users
- System returns recovery form
- User sets the new password and the old current password.
- System changes the password and notifies user y current password matches.
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primary key does not exist. |
Comments | None |
UC-06g | UserManagement - Login |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to sign into the portal |
Secuence | - User requests to sign in
- System returns login form
- User sets username and password
- System validates credentials and check user block status
- If user is blocked system will be warned about and credentials will be ignored.
- If the credentials match then user is redirected inside the portal.
- If the credentials did not match user will be warned about that invalid credentials. System may track that invalid login attemp over that username.
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primary key does not exist. |
Comments | None |