Transaction / EDGE / FC_SPRO → Configuration folder "Status".
Through this option it is possible to configure all the states for all the interpreters. Before starting to configure through this option, please check "Design of the states through which the process can pass".
As these states are going to be shown on the monitor of the Core Framework's process, care must be taken as to how to name them and the icons that they will carry.
The following columns must be configured:
- Status Id
Identification of the state or state code. In the case that several interpreters must be configured, it is recommended to assign the codes of the grouped states according to the interpreter. For example: if you are going to have two interpreters, one for reception and another for emission, then assign the codes of the states for reception starting at 1000, and for emission starting at 5000. Likewise, it is recommended to leave 10 numbers of difference between each code, to foresee the eventuality in which the client requires adding one more state or one more step in the middle of the flow.
- Description state
This description will appear in the Core Framework's process monitor, therefore, it is required that it be as telling as possible.
- End process
End of process indicator. Indicates that if an instance of a process is in a state with this marker active, that instance is terminated and the Core Framework does not take it back into account for its automatic reprocessing processes, since that instance has already finished. Therefore, it is not taken into account by the program /EDGE/FC_RESUME_EINVOICES, which is part of the JOBs that must be configured.
- Process Error
Indicator of error in the process. Indicates that if an instance of a process is in a state with this marker active, that instance remains in an error state, and the Core Framework will only take it again, if this same state has the "Auto Proc." or until the user manually reprocesses the instance through the monitor.
- Automatic processing
Indicator of automatic re-processing of an instance. Indicates that if an instance of a process is in a state with this marker active, the Core Framework will automatically take that instance to re-process it each time the corresponding JOB is executed. This indicator is especially useful for the steps that are likely to be constantly in error, but when re-processing there is a high possibility that the error is resolved automatically. Likewise, it is recommended to mark the states that are neither error nor end process, with this indicator; so that in this way the Core Framework takes those instances of processes automatically.
- Sequence
Indicates the sequence of appearance of the instances of the processes in the monitor according to the state they currently have.
- Status (icon)
Graphic representation of the state. This is the icon that will appear on the monitor when the instance of a process is in this state.
Example of configuration: