Since the product has been created the following indexes for IS-U is recommended to create in systems where the B+ SII solution is installed to speed up the search of data and thus to have more efficient searches.
The indexes created are as follows:
Table | Index Name | Description | Field | Index Type | OBS |
DFKKKO | DF1 | Document Class | MANDT BLART | Non-unique index: Index of all database systems. | |
DFKKKO | DF2 | Reference document / official | MANDT XBLNR | Non-unique index: Index of all database systems. | |
DFKKKO | DF3 | Date of document | MANDT BLDAT | Non-unique index: Index of all database systems. | |
DFKKKO | DF4 | Date of document | MANDT BUDAT | Non-unique index: Index of all database systems. | |
DFKKKO | Z01 | Index for Reference Key | MANDT | Non-unique index: Index of all database systems. | |
DFKKREP06 | DF1 | Company Code | MANDT BUKRS | Non-unique index: Index of all database systems. | |
DFKKREP06 | DF2 | Accounting date | MANDT XBLNR BUKRS | Non-unique index: Index of all database systems. | This index is optional, only applies when XBLNR is used for selection. |
DFKKREP06 | DF1 | Document Number + Company | MANDT OPBEL BUKRS | Non-unique index: Index of all database systems. |
Review the indexes of the standard tables: 2.1.1. Recommended indexes