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EDocument is created with “to include in a batch” state and in manual way you can:


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The eDocument is created with the status “To be included in batch file”, and with the manual functions included it is allowed to perform:

  • New batch: Allows to create a new batch for the selected eDocument.
  • Mark as correctedCorrected: The eDocument changes to a corrected state and status changes into Corrected and the eDocument is sent again as a modification.
  • Hold back:  The eDocument remains retained without including in a with status on hold and it is not included in any batch.
  • Release: Release of a "Retained" an on hold eDocument.
  • Add a batchto Batchan The eDocument is included inside the may be included in an existing batch.
  • Extract from batch: Extract Extracts an edocument eDocument from a Batchbatch.
  • Exceptional processing: Change of record status Changes the status recorded for an eDocument.
  • Undo Exceptional exceptional processing : Return of status in the registry (maximum up to the previous twothe status of the eDocument into the previous one before changes (up to previous two status top).

Note: The button buttons "exceptional Exceptional processing" and "undo Undo exceptional processing" will only be available for the Administrator Role.

Create a batch:

Once selected an eDocument is being created with an “include in a batch” state, press “create a batch” to create a new batch where we include an eDocument (a type of the batch that is being created depends on the terms of the conditions that have been configurated):

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A state now is changing into: “included in a batch”: 

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Mark as corrected

Selecting the eDocument and pressing "Mark as corrected" automatically changes the status. Once the eDocument has been in the "Rejected" state directly it changes to "To include batch" to , created in the records tab with the status “To be included in batch file”, when pressing “New batch” it will create and include the eDocument in a new batch (the batch type its defined depending on the terms and conditions previously configured):

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The status for the eDocuments will change into: “Included in batch file”: 

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Once the Corrected function is clicked, the selected eDocument will automatically change its status. If the eDocument had been "Rejected", this function will change it to "To be include in batch file", so the file can be sent again in a new batch.

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Hold back/Release:

Once you mark  an eDocument by pressing “ hold up” pressing “Hold back” button, it stays with the “ retain” status. 

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From the “retained” state you can:

  • Add a batch
  • Release: a released state is similar to an initial state, the way that it allows to make the same actions.

From the retained state, you cannot create a new batch, for this you should release an eDocument and once is released, the selected eDocument will change its status to Hold.

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With the "Hold" status it is allow to:

  • Add the eDocument into an already created batch.
  • Press "Release" function: once an eDocument is released, it changes into a ststus similar to the initial status, so same actions may be performed for the eDocument.

From the "Hold" status,it is not allow to create a new batch. For this, first the eDocument has to be released an then create a new batch.

IncludeAdd to batch/Extract a from batch:

We press “include in a batch” when we want to include When an eDocument has to be included in an existing batch, the "Add to batch" function may be used:

The system shows the batches that exists existing and continuing open to accept new eDocument. (Possible change to validate and only show batches that by definition can include). 

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A status change open batches where the eDocument may be included.  

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The eDocument status changes now into “included in a batch”batch file”

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Once an eDocument was being is included in a batch, it is possible to take remove it away by pressing “Extract from a batchby clicking on “Extract from batch”. In this case, the statement status changes from “included “Included in a batch” batch file” into “ to include To be included in a batch again”file”.

Excepcional Processing/Undo (ROL-ADMIN)

The First select the eDocument to be treated is selected and clicked then click on "Exceptional processing".

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Next, a pop-up appears where you choose the state to change the window will appear where status options may be chosen for the eDocument.


In the same way when pressing "undo The same process can be followed for "Undo exceptional processing", but for changing the recorded status of into the record is changed to the immediately previous one (only goes gets back two exceptional states).status).

Include text for eDocument

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This functionality may be found almost at the end of the eDocument line. By pressing the icon of the image, it will apear the following screen:

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The screen has text function buttoms and saving option. Once the text is saved, the icon changes in the Cockpit:

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-AceptadoAccepted: eDocument accepted by the AEAT.

-Aceptado con erroresAccepted with errors: it is necessary to correct errors that have from the eDocument and to send it back to the AEAT.

-Accepted→Obsolete: this status is set automatically for the eDocument when it has already been accepted by the AEAT and a new record is created with the same invoice ID. It is also set when an accepted eDocument is unsuscribe in the b+ solution Cockpit.

-CorregidoCorrected: Modified eDocument. Bb+ warns with a pop-up if you want to mark the document as "Corrected" (except if you click "Mark as corrected directly", it does not warn with pop-up).

-A incluir en lote: eDocument ready to include To be included in batch :the eDocument is ready to be included in a batch already created or in a new one.

-RetenidoHold: in for this status the eDocument can not be included in any batch.

-Incluido en lote: registration Included in batch file: record already included in a batch that and it has not yet been sent.

-ObsoletoRejected: state to which the eDocument automatically changes when a new record with the same ID is created (that state is also generated when a record occurs). Even if the registration has been sent to the tax office and has been accepted, if you subsequently unsubscribe in the B + solution Cockpit appears obsolete.-Rechazado: eDocument with complete rejection. Fix errors and send in a new batcheDocument with complete rejection. Fix errors and send in a new batch.


In the following graphic you can see the operation diagram of the obsolete within b+ SII:

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F1 = Original Invoice.

BF1 = Original invoice cancelled.

F2 (=IDInvoice) = New invoice with same  Original Invoice ID.

When an electronic document is generated from an invoice, it can be registered in the AEAT (accepted status) or not registered (either because the shipment has not yet been made or it is not accepted for a specific reason).

Therefore, the original F1 invoice will be under two situations with the AEAT (Accepted or not registered).

  • When F1 has been accepted in the  AEAT

In this case, if a cancelled invoice (BF1) of a F1 invoice is created, F1 would go to the accepted-obsolete status while the BF1 would be in the to be included in batch file status. This is because, even when the original invoice has been accepted, it is necessary to send the unsubscribe to the AEAT so it is recorded as cancelled.

On the other hand, when a F2 is invoiced with the same IDInvoice, it is generated as F1, later the F1 will change into accepted-obsolete status, and the F2 new invoice will be in the ststus corrected.

  • When F1 has not been accepted in the AEAT

In this case, it might be because the invoice was rejected or it has not been sent directly. In any case, it is not registered in the AEAT.

If a cancelled invoice BF1 is generated; both the F1 invoice and the cancelled BF1 invoice will be automatically placed in an obsolete status. This is because, the original invoice has never been accepted by the AEAT (and so, there is no record of this invoice in the AEAT) and it is not necessary to send the unsubscribe to the AEAT.

If the F2 new invoice is generated with the same Invoice ID, the status to which the original invoice would change to obsolete, while the new invoice F2 would change to the to be included in batch file status..