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  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

We will access it through the scope menu in transaction /N/EINVO/RO_TR_002.


Access will be to a cluster table to configure the necessary data that records must meet to access the invoice monitor.

The available tables will be as follows:



We will configure the necessary companies with which we are going to operate.


image-20240520-194937.pngImage Added



Possible values


Identifier of the company code to which the condition applies

Company name

Description of the company name

It will be filled in automatically when the company is selected

Chart of accounts


Check to activate the selected company option.

Active - Indicates that the company is active and that the records for these companies will be taken into account.

Not active - Indicates that the company is not active and the records created for these companies will not be considered.


Through this transaction, This operation is used to parameterise the conditions that must be met for a record to be created in the eFaktur invoice monitor Invoice Monitor when posting a document are parameterized, as well as the characteristics that this record will have.


Será necesario seleccionar una sociedad previamente en el listado de sociedades activas para poder acceder a esta tablaIt will be necessary to select a company from the list of active companies in order to access this table.


The following data will be customizing:




Possible values


Identifier of the company to which the condition applies.

Doc. Type

Accounting document class to be considered for creating the record.

Tax code

Tax category to be considered for the generation of the record.

Posting key

Posting key to be considered for the creation of the record.

Inv. Type

Type of invoice that is accounted for and that must be considered for the creation of the record.

KOR - For rectification invoice

VAT - For basic invoice

Shipment type

326 - Down payment / partial invoice / installment invoice

380 - Commercial invoice / Invoice correction 

389 - Self-billed invoice

381 - Credit note

875 - Partial invoice construction industry

876 - Partial final invoice Construction trade for a construction stage or a trade -> non-final final invoice

877 - Final invoice construction industry

Shipment type

Type of shipment to be counted and to be taken into account for the creation of the record.

1 - New invoice

2 - Annulment - Credit note

Reverse charge

In the case of a self-invoice, the checkbox should be marked.

Partner Role

A dropdown will display the option for the field XXXXXXXXXXXX to appear or not in the XML."



Through this transaction, the conditions that must be met for a record to be created in the eFaktur invoice monitor when posting a self-invoice are parameterized, as well as the characteristics that this record will have.


To access this table, it will be necessary to previously select a line in the Issued Creation Conditions section.

The header will display the data to which the generated conditions for the creation of the self-invoice will apply:


Below this header, a table of conditions will be displayed, where we will fill in the details.






Possible values


Cond. Nr.


Sequential number assigned to each of the conditions.


Conditions table


Data extraction table for the field name.







Field name


Name of the field from the extraction table that will be used in the condition.


Variable according to the selected table.




We will specify the action to be applied to the value configured in the condition for compliance.







Name of the field from the extraction table that will be used in the condition.


Lower limit


Initial value that will determine the start range of the condition.


Upper limit


Final value that will determine the end range of the condition.


AG -Ordering party
DP - Delivering party
RE - Invoice Receiver
RG - Regulator
RS - Invoice Issuer
WE -Ship-to party

Payment terms

Through this transaction, additional the payment conditions that the tax indicators may need are parameterized, adding a specific category in the VAT Operations and Exemption sections so that when posting a document, a record is created in the eFaktur invoice monitor, along with the additional characteristics that this record will required are parameterised.


We will have the following fields to configure:



Possible values


Identifier of the company to which the condition applies.

Doc. Type

Accounting document class to be considered for creating the record.

Payment Code

Payment method

Payment method to be taken into account when creating the registration.

C Cheque papel
D Débito Directo
E Letra domiciliada (a cobrar)
L Letra (a pagar)
M Cheque (soporte magnético)
N Cheque nómina
O Compensación (en el grupo)
P Cheque prenumerado
R Recibo no domiciliado
S Solicitud de efectos a cobrar
T Transferencia
U Transferencia

Payment Code

Payment code to be taken into account when creating the register

01 Bank transfer
02 Direct debit
03 Credit card
04 Cash
05 Check (cash check if necesarynecessary)
06Cashier’s Cashier's check
07 Paypal
08 Cash on Delivery
09 Bank card
