The batches may have the following statesstatus:
- New batch
- In process
- Technical error
- To send
- Accepted
- Partly accepted
- Rejected
New batch
It is an initial state status for the batches. From this state status you can:
- Discard a batch. eDocuments included in a selected batch is being will be taken out from it and they stay with a state “to include in a batch” records will changes their status into “To be included in batch file” or “fixed as appropriate”
- XML generation and its sending to Spanish Tax AgencyGenerate the XML to send to the AEAT.
Once an eDocument is being included in a batch, you can send it to a the Tax Agency, for this we go to batches tab inside a cockpit and we press “Generate and send XML”. through the tab Batch, selecting the batch to be sent and clicking on "Send XML" .
Once the Tax Agency receive a receives the batch with the information of the invoices, it sends back the answer that might beone of the following answers:
- Accepted
- Partly accepted
- Rejected
Tax Agency accepts batches submission sent and all its records. It is a final state and you cannot make any actions with it:
Partly accepted:
Tax Agency partly partially accept the sending batches sent, remaining some of its the records from the batch are accepted and others with have errors or and are rejected. It is a final statement and you cannot make any actions with it:
Tax Agency reject totally a batch because of an error on its header or because of its an individual records record have errors. It is a final statement and you cannot make any actions with it:
The state status of a batch is a final statestatus, so to fix the records that are being rejected you should deal with fix the indicated errors, take out extract the record of the batch which was previously accepted with some errors and include it in a new batch.
Error Handlingmanagement
When a batch was being partly has been partially accepted, or rejected, you should fix the records of the batch which contained error.
The errors of the records might be:
- Accepted with errors: Tax Agency has registered record the information, but it is requesting from us to fix some data. When you fix it and include it record is fixed, it can be included in a new batch , a and the status will also be fixed that cause that the type of the communication of XML sending will be . This will set the communication type into A1 - modification.
- Rejected: Tax Agency has rejected the sending batch and did not registered the information, so when you send back an XML it will be treated as a new registration with the communication type A0.
Pressing the error button in the record, it will indicate the error type of the occurred error.
Viewing an XML to send, Tax Agency gives more details:
We can navigate from the cockpit to a financial document to fix it The display of the XML may show more details on the information sent.
In order to fix the documents with errors, from the cockpit there is a link to the financial document, by clicking on the financial document number.
Once the document in being is fixed , by pressing “record” button we have an option to change a state of a document to “fixed”.
We press YES and it takes us to a new cockpit, now a record has changed the state (you should refresh and saved, a pop-up window will apear as a reminder there is an eDocument related and its status will be changed afterwards.
When clicking YES, it will return to the cockpit, and the record has the status changed (after refreshing the page):
- “fixed” “Corrected” if the recordwas accepted with the errors.
- “to “To be include in a batch” if the record was rejected
Now Then, with the state “fixed” and “included in a batch” we come back to include it status “Corrected” and “To be included in batch”, the records can be included in a new batch or the one already existing that accept records coming back to initiate a sending process to a Tax Agencyin an existing and available one to start the a sending process again into the AEAT.
To include a the record in in a new batch you can do it from a record tab, selected the document and pressing create a batch or include in a batch. , it can be perform from the Record tab, selecting the document and clicking the options to include them in a new batch or an existing one.
In process
This state means that we are awaiting status means to wait for the answer from the Middleware:
Technical error:
When the Middleware doesn’t not can't have communication with a Tax Agency the AEAT, it shows this statestatus. From this state we can realize status, the following actions may be performed:
- Discard a batch
- Force sending to send again the XML to try to communicate with a the Tax Agency.
Mapping error
When we see the there is a mapping error in any of the XML fields. To this state, we can only get from This status will only appear from one the following states:
- New batch
- In process
- To send
Once we have a the batch in this state we can fix it using the “fix a has this status, it can be fixed using the “Correct batch” button.
In this This way, the state “mapping status “Mapping error” will change to a previous state that was a batch before entering to the state of “mapping error”into the previous status the batch had before the “Mapping error” status.