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Transaction Code

Object of authorization



/EINVO/RO_TR_001 - Monitor Romania


This authorization object establishes permission to access the "Monitor Romania" transaction.

  • Report: EIRO1 and EIRO2

  • Activity: 03 Display and 16 Execute


This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product.

  • Transaction Code: /EINVO/RO_TR_001, /EDGE/FC_BO_01, FB03, VF03, XD03, FDKUSER and SDV.


This authorization object establishes the user's permission to control access to certain operations related to asset valuations. necesario para acceder a la transaccion FB03Necessary to access the Doc. No. FI button.

image-20250225-161851.pngImage Added
  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Controlling Area: Company code

  • Valuation View: 0 Legal Valuation


This authorization object establishes the user's permission to access and manage financial information in the accounting accounts. necesario para acceder a la transaccion FB03Necessary to access the Doc. No. FI button.

  • Activity: 01 Create or generate and 03 Display

  • Account Type: D Customers and S G/L accounts


Accounting Document: Authorization necesario para acceder a la transaccion FB03. Necessary to access the Doc. No. FI button.

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Company code: Company code

F_KNA1_APPVisualizar boton customers

Customer: Application Authorization. Necessary to access the customer address button.

image-20250225-162312.pngImage Added
  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Customer and Vendor Master Data: *


Customer: Central Data. necesario para acceder Visualizar boton customersNecessary to access the customers button.

image-20250225-162352.pngImage Added
  • Activity: 03 Display


Customer: Account Group Authorizat. necesario para acceder Visualizar boton customersNecessary to access the customers button.

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Customer Account Group: DEBI


Customer: Authorization for Company. necesario para acceder Visualizar boton customersNecessary to access the customers button.

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Company code: Company code


This authorization object is required to view the attachment of documents in the Monitor Romania.

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Content Repository ID: RO


In case you use another Repository ID, add it here.

  • Document Class: /EINVO/R01, /EINVO/R02, /EINVO/R03, /EINVO/R04, /EINVO/R05, /EINVO/R06, /EINVO/R07, /EINVO/R08, /EINVO/R09, /EINVO/R10, /EINVO/R11, /EINVO/R12, /EINVO/R13 and /EINVO/R14.

  • Object Type: /EDGE/FCBO


Autorización p.actividades GUI NECESARIO PARA LA DESCARGA DE ADJUNTOS. Required to download the attachments.

  • Activity: 61 Export


Table access with generic standard. necesario para alarmasNecessary to access the alarm button.

image-20250225-162736.pngImage Added
  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Table Name: /EDGE/VEINVOICE


This authorization object establishes permission for the user to view and manipulate application log data for analysis, monitoring and troubleshooting purposes. Necessary to access the log button.

image-20250225-162806.pngImage Added
  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Object Name: /EDGE/FC_EINV



Billing: Authorization for Sales Organizations boton SD . Necessary to access the Doc. No. SD button.

image-20250225-162854.pngImage Added
  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Sales Organization: Company code


Billing: Authorization for Billing Types boton SD . Necessary to access the Doc. No. SD button.

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Billing Type: F2


This authorisation object is required for the Alarms product.

Authorization by product: CORE and SILI

/EINVO/RO_TR_002 - Creation conditions


This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product.

  • Transaction Code: /EINVO/RO_TR_002


Table access with generic standard.

  • Activity: 02 Change and 03 Display

/EINVO/RO_TR_003 - Reprocessing


This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product.

  • Transaction Code: /EINVO/RO_TR_003


This authorization object establishes the permission to the user to access the transaction "Reprocess Romania".

  • Activity: 03 Display


Accounting Document: Authorization necesario para acceder a la transaccion FB03.

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Company code: Company code


This authorization object establishes the user's permission to control access to certain operations related to asset valuations. necesario para acceder a la transaccion FB03

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Controlling Area: Company code

  • Valuation View: 0 Legal Valuation


This authorization object establishes the user's permission to access and manage financial information in the accounting accounts. necesario para acceder a la transaccion boton FI

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Account Type: M Material and S G/L accounts


Billing: Authorization for Sales Organizations boton SD

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Sales Organization: Company code


Billing: Authorization for Billing Types boton SD

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Billing Type: F2

M_RECH_WRKInvoices: Plant

Materials Management - Invoice Verification. Necessary to access the Doc. No. MM button.

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Plant: Company code and GAVP


This authorization object establishes permission for the user to view and manipulate application log data for analysis, monitoring and troubleshooting purposes.

  • Activity: 03 Display

  • Object Name: /EINVO/RO_LG


/EINVO/RO_TR_004 - Report for received


This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product.

  • Transaction Code: /EINVO/RO_TR_004.

/EINVO/RO_TR_005 - Check status


This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product.

  • Transaction Code: /EINVO/RO_TR_005.


This authorisation object is required for the Alarms product.

Authorization by product: CORE

/EINVO/RO_TR_006 - Customer updates


This authorization object is SAP standard and is required to access transactions in our product.

  • Transaction Code: /EINVO/RO_TR_006.


This authorization object establishes the permission to the user to access the transaction "Reprocess Romania".

  • Activity: 03 Display