If you click on the icon you can see the differences in another screen:
- Disagreement: This tab displays the data, the operation type and the status of the
- records. By clicking the Process status description of the record (in this case "
- Not Aligned")
- , it will navigate
- into the cockpit with the information for the selected record.
By clicking on the "Differences Tree" you can see a report
in wich the sections may be unflod to display the fields with disagreements between SAP system and the AT in a more detailed and visual way. On the left side SAP data will be displayed and on the right
, the AT data. The
differences will be remarked with a yellow background
- Orphans
- : Displays the records posted in the AT that are not posted on SAP system or were not found.
By clicking on , as in the previous section,
AT tree will be displayed , with the information related
with the selected invoice, in
- Doc. SAP without
- AT: This tab displays the documents not sent to the
- AT or documents that for any other reason have not reached into the
- AT.
From the tabs "Differences AEAT AT/SAP" and "Doc. SAP without AEATAT" you , it can navigate to into the financial document, by clicking directly on the DocumentNumber: