El campo CuotaRepercutida debe estar informado siempre que la ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia o alguna
Below is the list of new ATC error codes:
Code | Description |
1172 | The field CuotaRepercutida must be informed always if ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia or any other ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicional does not have a value 03, 05, 09, 16 |
or TipoFactura |
is F2, F4 |
or R5 |
1173 |
El campo TipoImpositivo debe estar informado siempre que la ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia o alguna
The field TipoImpositivo must be informed always if ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia or any other ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicional does not have a value 03, 05, 09 |
or 16 |
2041 |
If the field ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia or any other ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicional have a value 03, 05 |
or 09, |
the field ImporteTotal must be informed | |
4128 | Technical error when saving to inbox |
4129 | Technical error in identifying the situation of the counterparty |
4130 | The holder of the certificate must be the NIF Holder LRFE, Power of Attorney or Successor |
4131 | The holder of the certificate must be the NIF Holder LRFR, Power of Attorney or Successor |
4132 | The NIF Holder LRFE is not in the SII Census |
4133 | NIF Titular LRFR is not in the SII Census |
Below is the list of codes eliminated by the ATC:
Código | Descripción |
1131 | Value of the field ClaveDeclarado incorrect. |
1132 | Incorrect EstadoMiembro field value. |
1133 | Incorrect IDType field value. Must have value 02 |
1146 | The CodigoPais field indicated for the identification of NIF-IVA does not match the first two characters of the ID. |
1150 | The indicated CodigoPais field does not match the first two digits of the identifier. |
1177 | Value from field TipoRecargoEquivalencia is not included in the list of allowed values |
1194 | Value from field TipoRecargoEquivalencia is not included in the list of allowed values |
1198 | The value of the Surcharge TipoRecargoEquivalencia field is only allowed for operation date less than or equal to the year 2012. |
2003 | Some of the rectified invoices do not exist in the system |
2013 | The CuotaRecargoEquivalencia field has an incorrect value for the Surcharge TipoRecargoEquivalencia and BaseImponible supplied |
3009 | Duplicate intra-Community operation |
3011 | It is not allowed to modify the Special Regime Key in invoices that contain Collections or Payments. |
3012 | There is already an Insurance Operation with this Counterpart |
3505 | Technical error. Error when obtaining the data of the Insurance Operation. |