/ ATC new validation messages ATC new validation messages

Below is the list of new ATC error codes:


The field CuotaRepercutida must be informed always if ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia or any other 

ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicional does not have a value 03, 05, 09, 16 or TipoFactura is F2, F4 or R5


The field TipoImpositivo must be informed always if ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia or any other

ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicional does not have a value 03, 05, 09 or 16

2041If the field ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia or any other ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicional have a value 03,
05 or 09, the field ImporteTotal must be informed


Technical error when saving to inbox
4129Technical error in identifying the situation of the counterparty
4130The holder of the certificate must be the NIF Holder LRFE, Power of Attorney or Successor
4131The holder of the certificate must be the NIF Holder LRFR, Power of Attorney or Successor
4132The NIF Holder LRFE is not in the SII Census
4133NIF Titular LRFR is not in the SII Census

Below is the list of codes eliminated by the ATC:

1131Value of the field ClaveDeclarado incorrect.
1132Incorrect EstadoMiembro field value.
1133Incorrect IDType field value. Must have value 02
1146The CodigoPais field indicated for the identification of NIF-IVA does not match the first two characters of the ID.
1150The indicated CodigoPais field does not match the first two digits of the identifier.
1177Value from field TipoRecargoEquivalencia is not included in the list of allowed values
1194Value from field TipoRecargoEquivalencia is not included in the list of allowed values
1198The value of the Surcharge TipoRecargoEquivalencia field is only allowed for operation date less than or equal to the year 2012.
2003Some of the rectified invoices do not exist in the system
2013The CuotaRecargoEquivalencia field has an incorrect value for the Surcharge TipoRecargoEquivalencia and BaseImponible supplied
3009Duplicate intra-Community operation
3011It is not allowed to modify the Special Regime Key in invoices that contain Collections or Payments.
3012There is already an Insurance Operation with this Counterpart
3505Technical error. Error when obtaining the data of the Insurance Operation.

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