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Within the functionality for the management of non-relevant batch management functionalitybatches, there areexist three methods offor determining when the batchdetermination isof nota non-relevant batch:


  1. Non-


  1. relevant batches rejected


  1. according to the error code of their intermediates


  1. : This option will mark the relationship; between the intermediate and the batch, as


  1. non-relevant if the


  1. error code of its intermediate is listed in the table / EDGE / SII_ERELEV, this table is


  1. rechable from the scope menu:

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  1. Intermediates within rejected batches, subsequently accepted in another


  1. batch: This option will mark the relationship; between the intermediate and the


  1. batch, as


  1. non-relevant if the intermediate


  1. has been rejected and subsequently accepted in another. For example, if we have a rejected


  1. batch with 5 intermediates and


  1. on another batch we send those intermediates


  1. and later on accepted; the first rejected


  1. batch will be marked as


  1. non-relevant


  1. , as all


  1. intermediates inside this batch are subsequently accepted.


  1. According to the process status of the batch. If the batch has one of the process


  1. status set up in the table / EDGE / SII_SLNR, then the batch will not be relevant. (This


  1. determination method does not mark anything in


  1. data bases as the status is defined directly). The table / EDGE / SII_SLNR is


  1. reachable from the


  1. area menu:

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An entry example for this table would be as follows:

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It indicates that the discarded process status "Discarded" is notfor relevant and the flag is marked to take it into accountnon-relevant batches..