Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

The payment details of for the order or supplier posting will be displayed on this tab.

  • If the invoice is made to has an order related, the data is derived to the MIRO from the order.
  • If the invoice is without a purchase order, the data is derived from the vendor master.


  • Payment method: this field is not informed by default.
  • Payment block: this field is not reported by default.
  • Invoice reference. Only viewable.
  • Bank interlocutor. Only viewable.
  • Days: Indicates the days in which each discount expires, determining the expiration date. Fields that can be modified from those that come from the order.
  • Percentages: Indicates the percentage of discount applicable in the different terms. Fields that can be modified from those that come from the order.