The interpreter parameter "QUOTATION_TYPE" of the table /EDGE/FC_SPRO, allows to indicate the "Quotation type" to be used by the system to determine the exchange rate to be reported in the "ExchangeRate" tag of the XML of eInvoice Hungary electronic records, corresponding to documents posted in a currency other than HUF but equal to that of the company, which are forwarded to NAV.
The "Quotation type" to be indicated as value in the parameter "QUOTATION_TYPE" must be configured as follows in SAP:
Transaction: Check quotation type (T. Code: OB07)
Transaction: Indicate exchange rates (T. Code: OB08)
Fill in the fields of the entry as follows:
ℹ️ It is recommended to create a specific "Quotation type" in SAP for this purpose, although it is possible to indicate a quotation type already existing in the system, as long as its configuration matches those detailed. |