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The standard class from which our implementations have to inherit is /EDGE/CL_SAFT_MAP_DATA_PT

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  1. Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_DATA_MAST_PT method: GET_BKPF_PAYMENTS --→ Recover payments according to the parameters of the table /edge/saftpta9.
  2. Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_DATA_MAST_PT method: GET_BKPF_PAYMENTS --→ Recover payments according to the parameters of the table /edge/saftpta9.
  1. Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_DATA_MAST_PT method: GET_BKPF_PAYMENTS --→ Recover payments according to the parameters of the table /edge/saftpta9.
  2. Class /EDGE/CL_SAFT_DATA_MAST_PT method: GET_BKPF_PAYMENTS --→ Recover payments according to the parameters of the table /edge/saftpta9.