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-From the Received Invoices monitor select the Post Document :

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You must select the invoice you want to post and press the Post Document button. That way you will be able to post the document.

General fields:

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In the General Fields area you will see the following information:button to access the posting screen.

If the invoice comes without an order number entered in the xml, the system will navigate to the financial posting screen, if on the other hand the xml comes with an order number, the system will navigate directly to the logistic posting screen.
The user will be able to navigate to both types of postings when required.


Navigating to the financial posting screen:

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  • eInvoice ID: It consists of the ID number of the electronic invoice. It will appear automatically.
  • Doc. Header Text: Xml Causale field that will be modifiable by the user
  • Company Code:


  •  The offeree company shall be modifiable by the user
  • Period: Period of the invoice. It will appear automatically, will be modifiable by the user
  • Document date: Date of the document.


  • Currency: Currency of the invoice. 
  • Posting Date:


  •  Invoice posting


  • date. Modifiable by the user
  • Tax report date: Report tax date. Modifiable by the user
  • Reference: Xml document number
  • Document Type: You must select the document type of the invoice. Modifiable by the user
  • Fiscal Year: Fiscal year of the invoice. It will appear automatically.


Doc. Header Text: This is an informative field. It makes reference to the cause of the payment.

Period: Period of the invoice. It will appear automatically.

Currency: Currency of the invoice. It will appear automatically.

Vendor tab:

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In the Vendor tab you will see the following information:

  •  Modifiable by the user


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Vendor: The vendor of the invoice. It will appear automatically. At the right you will see the description of the vendor.


Posting Key: You must select the respective posting key for the position.Name of posting key: It will appear automatically once you have selected the posting key.

G/L Account: You must select the respective G/L Account for the position.
