Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

Once the product has been installed using a software component, it is necessary to activate a few BC_SETs that allows to configure the tables used in B+ SII with the necessary data.


  1. If the product version 1.7.4 has not been previously installed in the system by means of transport orders, activate the BC_SETs of this version: Activation of BC_SETs release 1.7.4
  2. If product version 1.7.5 has not been previously installed in the system via transport orders, activate the BC_SETs of this version: Activation of BC_SETs release 1.7.5
  3. If the product version 1.7.6 has not been previously installed in the system by means of transport orders, activate the BC_SETs of this version: Activation of BC_SETs release 1.7.6
  4. If the product version 1.7.7 has not been previously installed in the system by means of transport orders, activate the BC_SETs of this version: Activation BC_SETs version 1.7.7
  5. If product version 1.7.8 has not been previously installed in the system by means of transport orders, activate the BC_SETs of this version: Activation  BC_SETs version activation release 1.7.8.

The order of activation of these BC_SETs will be as quoted in this guide. So the order would be as follows:


To activate a BC_SET go to t-code SCPR20. Enter the name of BC_SET: /EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SP5_SIN_MANDANT.

Click on the  Image Modified Consistency Check icon and check that no errors occur.

This warning may appear: Field TABNAME of set CE /EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SP5_SIN_MANDANT is not an integral part of table/view EDOTYPE.

Field REF_PROCESS of set CE /EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SA_SIN_MANDT is not an integral part of table/view EDOP.

They can be ignored as this fields are irrelevant in the information provided from the product for this table.

Once the consistency has been checked, click on the iconImage Modified to activate it.

Image Modified

Press OK as many times as necessary. 

During activation, the process will request a transport request.


Notes for each BC_SET activation


During activation of BC_SET /EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SA_SIN_MANDT, the process will request a transport request.


  • /EDGE/SII_MP_000
  • /EDGE/SII_MP_005
  • /EDGE/SII_MP_014
  • TBE11
  • TMENU01
  • TMENU01R
  • /EDGE/SII_CS001
  • /EDGE/SII_CS002
  • TBE31
  • TMENU01T


During activation of BC_SET /EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SA_CON_MANDT, the next pop-up can appear:

Click on "Copy values" with no data in Company Code field.
