Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

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In all “SII indicators” we can filter an information by dates, external label, origin, state…etc.

We can also sort it in an ascent or descent way and customize which columns we want that appear. 

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Today processed records

In this indicator, we can see all today processed records (invoices), to which batch belongs to and more details like a registry date and an amount of the invoice. By pressing at any record, we can see a record in a more detailed way. 

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Inside of each record we can see with more details al data included a link to a batch where a record is placed.


-Referred: records that are referred to the same. Example: a payment or document in a register 

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Batches processed in 2017

This indicator shows all batches processed in a current period. 

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When we press in any batch, besides the details of the batch, on the upper part of the screen we can see more links to the other options of the view.

  • Batch processing step: tells us the states that a batch has acquired in a process.
  • Attachments: link to XML sent to a Tax Agency and a link to an answer from a Tax Agency.
  • Invoices/batch records: details of a batch, Tax Agency result, referred, batch information, reprocessing..etc. 

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Unsent records

Here we can see all record pending to send.

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Expired records
