Versiones comparadas


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These files can be downloaded from the customer portal in the installation section, release 1.7.5, using software components:


  • Have the Licensing component installed: Installation of License Component BPCORE (if not previously installed with version 1.7.4). It is enough to have the component installed to carry out the installation, it is not necessary to wait for the corresponding active licenses.
  • To install SP6 for TESII you need to have the TESII Software Component installed up to SP5.


  • To install SP5 for TESIICNC you need to have the TESIICNC Software Component installed up to SP4


If these last two requirements are not reached, a previous installation must be made to reach this patch level. To do this, load the SPs of both components into the installation queue up to TESII SP5 and TESIICNC SP4 and install.

Once you have reached the SP level indicated above (TESII SP5, TESIICNC SP4), load the files of version 1.7.5 (SP6 TESII, SP5 TESIICNC) in the installation queue.

To check which release of each component the system is in, you can check the status by going to the "System" tab in the top menu:


If you need to download SPs prior to the SPs that are released in this version, you can consult the following link, section Installable files, where to download these files from: ECC Installation procedure as a Software Components

Installation Tasks

Installing SP6 TESII and SP5 TESIICNC
