Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.


 From the list you can disable or enable an alarm and clicking on it accesses the detail screen.

Image Added

From the section Image Added, we can perform different searches and have the possibility of disabling alarms massively.

  • Massive alarm deactivation

To perform a massive deactivation of alarms, from the Filter results section, the user will perform the necessary search and then press the Image Added button, a pop up will be displayed.

Pressing the Cancel option will cancel the Deactivation.

Image Added

If we press Deactivate, a pop up will be shown indicating the number of alarms that are disabled.

Image Added

On the main screen, the corresponding alarms and their status will be displayed

Image Added

In the alarm detail you can see, among other properties, the message, the recipients, the channels and some data related to the batch or record that caused the alarm (sections `Associated Lot' and `Associated Record').

In the detail of the alarm can be displayed, among other properties, the message, recipients, channels and some data concerning the batch or record that caused the alarm (sections 'Associated Lot' and 'Associated Record').

Image Added

It is also possible to enable and disable the alarmImage Modifiedby pressing, and pressing the buttons Image Modified and Image Modified the user can navigate to the details of the batch or record, respectively.Image Removed

Image Added

By clicking on the 'Associated notifications' tab you can see the notifications generated by the alarm and which users have received these notifications.
