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The field Allow creation, will activate the origins on which we can perform the creation of batches through the Dashboard

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By clicking on any origin, a dialog will open in which the description can be modified. After any modification it is necessary to press the button 'Save'. It is also possible to eliminate the origin, but in those cases where there are no batches associated with that origin. Otherwise the origin can be   deactivated

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To create a new origin, click on the button Image Addedand the same previous detail dialog will be opened, but with the possibility of entering the source identifier in addition to its description. Once you are sure that the entered data is correct, press the 'Save' button.

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As for the companies, the procedure is similar. To see the available societies of a determinated origin, select the corresponding origin from the drop-down menu.

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By clicking on a company, a dialog will be opened to modify the name and NIF of the company. After any modification it is necessary to press the button 'Save'. It is also possible to eliminate a company with the same condition as the origin, that is, it does not have associated batches.

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If you want to add a new company, clicking on Image Added it will open the same previous dialog but with the possibility of editing other fields. First of all, you have to select from the drop-down menu the origin in which you want to create the company and then enter the company identifier, your name and your NIF. Once you are sure that the data is correct, click on 'Save' to create the company code.

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In the "Unregistered companies" section, companies that are not registered in the database but for which there are associated lots are shown. Clicking on a company in the list will show two options. The first, 'Register company', allows to create a new company with the identifiers of origin and

society that are already being shown.

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