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  • Batch Monitoring 

In this section all the batches sent to the AEAT appear. A limited number of results will be displayed and the user can define their search criteria in the filters at the top and after clicking the 'Search' button you will get the desired results. By clicking on the 'Export' button you can download a file in Excel format with all the results that meet the filters without limitation of results. In addition, by default only 10 results appear on the screen, to see more results simply click on 'See all' at the bottom of the table. It is also possible to hide the filter fields by pressing the button Image Removed in the upper left, to visualize the results more clearly.

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By default, batches are sorted by shipping date, but the user can sort them by other criteria by clicking on the corresponding button Image Removed and choosing later if you want the ordering to be ascending or descending.

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There is also the option to hide columns in case some fields are not relevant to the user. By pressing the button on the right side of the table header you can choose which fields to display.

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Placing the cursor on the number of records in each batch shows the number of records sorted by state. Clicking on one of the batches will display a new screen with the detail of the selected batch.

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  • Batch Detail

In this screen there are four tabs with different details of the selected batch. The 'General' tab displays the basic data of the batch (external label, origin, date of shipment, AEAT result, ...).

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Clicking on 'Batch processing step' will show the steps that the batch has followed in its processing since it is sent to the AEAT until the response is received or an error occurs, indicating the date and time of each step between other properties. From this section you can also download attachments of those processing steps that include files and reprocess the information extracted from those attachments.

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Pressing 'Reprocess Batch' displays a dialog where the user must choose whether to reprocess the sending XML, the reply XML, or both. This reprocessing does not imply any sending of information to AEAT.

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The 'Attachment' tab displays a list of files associated with the batch that can be downloaded by clicking on the corresponding link. 

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It is also possible to see the records that make up the batch and access the details of the batch from the 'Invoices / Batch registries' tab. Also in this list you can view some details of each registry without changing the screen, by clicking on the available buttons. Clicking on the button 'Export all' will create a file in Excel format with the registriesthat make up the batch.

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By clicking on the button Image Removed the user can view the detail of the AEAT response for each record.

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The button Image Removedallows the user to view records referred to and referring to the record in question. A referenced record is one that has been affected or modified by the current record and a referent record is one that modifies the current record. From this dialog popup by clicking on the links you can navigate to the detail of the batch or the record.

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By Clicking Image Removed you will see the batches in which the record has participated and the user can see the detail of those batches by clicking on the corresponding links

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  • Registries monitoring

In this section all records sent to the AEAT appear. The options and operation of this section are similar to the Batch monitoring section, except that it is possible to select records from the list and perform some actions on that selection. This way, the user will be able to archive records, that is, store them in another section so that they are not shown in the searches and indicators of the main screen.

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  • Registry Detail

This screen shows the details of the selected record, the send and reply data of the AEAT and as in the list of records in the batch detail, you can display referenced records and batches in which the current record appears, By pressing the buttons  Image Removed and Image Removed respectively. You can also see the detail of the lot by clicking on Image Removed.

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  • CSV Files

This section will be available for customers who use a non-SAP based system to send lots to the AEAT. It shows a list of systems or sources, the number of files processed in each one and a state that depends on the files processed in the current day.

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In the toolbar on the table you can perform a search by the name of the source and the button at the top left shows the number of CSV files that could not be processed in the current day. Clicking on it accesses a screen that shows details of those files, such as file name, date of processing, error, ...

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If one of them is selected from the source list, a screen is accessed in which the processed files of the current day are displayed first. The user can use filters to view files of other dates.
From this table you can view the details of each file and the associated batch, in addition to downloading the file in CSV format. By clicking on the external tagyou will be able to see the batch in detail.

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  • System information

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This indicator is only accessible for administrator users and allows you to view and download the application logs to identify errors more efficiently and quickly. In addition, in the section of 'System information' there are some technical data about the system itself.

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In 'Alarms system Monitoring' you can see the types of alarm that are in operation and some details about its state. In order for this section to work, it is necessary to have the property 'URL of the alarm engine' in the 'Advanced Configuration' tile. The version of the alarm engine is also shown at the bottom left of the list.

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  • Advanced Settings 

From this section, which will only be accessible by admin users, you can modify the following parameters of the application that will affect all users:

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  • Number Maximum of results in searches: This is the number of results that will be displayed in the application tables (batches, registers, alarms, users, ...).

  • Indicator Update Interval: This is the number of seconds that the indicators on the main screen update their values.

  • Number of rows of a syste log: Indicates the number of lines that the user can see in the system log section.

  • Number maximum of days to process a registry since it is issued: This parameter marks the number of days a record changes from being past due. According to the rules of the AEAT its value should be 4 days.

  • URL of alarm engine: This property must be correctly defined for alarm monitoring to work on the system log tile.

  • URL for access to the certificate management application. Required for the Certificate Management ticket.
  • URL of SOAP services. Property required for some functions, such as batch reprocessing.

Once you have entered the new values ​​of the parameters that you want to modify, the user will click on the 'Save' button and the application will notify you that the changes have been made successfully

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In the' Email Properties' tab there are two sections. In the e-mail templates you can configure the content of the emails that users will receive for certain actions (user creation, password modification,...). To add a variable, choose one from the drop-down menu and press the' Add' button. At the moment an email is sent it will be replaced by its real value (username, full name, password,...). The variable will be added at the end of the current text and then the user can continue to fill in the email text and add more variables. To save the changes in the template that has just been edited, press the' Save' button.

You can also modify the properties of the e-mail server. After any modification, press the' Save' button.

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The 'Notification Channel Properties' tab allows the user to modify some parameters of the available notification channels (host, port, sender, user, password, ...).

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It is also possible to change the name and password of the Dashboard technical user. This user is the one that allows the connection with the web services of the application and data loading (batches, registers, ...) from the integrator, so it is advisable not to modify it as much as possible.

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  • Users Management

In this indicator, only accessible for administrators, you can create and edit Dashboard user accounts. The main screen shows a list of all the users of the application and it is possible to change their status. Only if the user is active will you be able to access the system.

By clicking on a user, the user detail screen appears where several parameters can be edited.

If you want to create a new user click on the corresponding button in the lower right corner

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  • Detail of user

In this detail screen several sections appear. In the user data tab you can edit the user's personal information (name, email and phone) and set whether or not he is an administrator. If the administrator box is active, the user will have access to more functionality than a normal user.

If you access the 'Logon' tab you can view the date of the last user's access, their status and their password can be changed.

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To change the user's password, once the corresponding button is pressed, a pop-up dialog will appear in which the user who is editing the data must enter his own password for security reasons.

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In the 'Groups' section you can edit the groups in which the user is included. These groups are useful for generating alarms and notifications, so that if a group is the recipient of an alarm, all users in that group will receive notifications of that alarm. This topic is covered in more detail in the section of alarms and notifications.

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To assign the user to a group, simply click on the 'Add Group' button, choose the group from the drop-down list and click on 'Save'.

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From this popup dialog there is also the option to create a new group. Clicking the 'Create Group' button will display a new dialog where the user will be prompted to enter a group identifier, a description and an e-mail address associated with that group.

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The 'Companies' tab has a similar operation to 'Groups'. In this case, the companies whose data will be able to consult the user will be assigned.

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To add a company, after pressing the corresponding button, you must first choose the source or system to which the company belongs, and then the company from the list available.

There is also the possibility, once the origin is selected, to add all your companies by pressing the corresponding button.

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Finally, the 'Tiles' tab will set the indicators or sections of the Dashboard main screen to which the user will have access, and the order in which they will appear.

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To add an indicator, proceed in a similar way to the other sections, except that you can choose several indicators from the list and the order in which they are chosen is the one you will have in the main screen.

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Once the user data has been edited, pressing the 'Save' button in the lower right corner of the screen will save the changes made or the new user will be created, depending on the option chosen in the main screen. Either way, the user will see a success message if everything has gone correctly.

In case of pressing the button Image Removed the system will launch the following dialog if there are any changes that have not been saved.

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You can make a copy of the user you are looking at the detail. To do this, press the button  Image Removed in the lower right corner, fill in the basic data of the new user (full name, username and email) and press the button Image Removed. The new user will have the same groups, company codes and indicators as the original user. It is also possible to delete the user by pressing the button Image Removed .This deletion is subject to the user not having associated alarms, notifications,... In case the user cannot be deleted, the system will warn and deactivate it.

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This section allows the user to create and edit origins and companies. From the Sources tab you can see all the sources that currently exist in the database, as well as its user and creation date. In the search field of the toolbar you can filter the list by the description of the origins.

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Clicking on the icon Image Removed of the corresponding source will open a dialog where the description can be modified. After any modification it is necessary to press the button 'Save'. It is also possible to eliminate the origin, but in those cases where there are no batches associated with the origin. Otherwise the origin can be deactivated.

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To create a new origin, click on the button Image Removed and the same detail dialog will open but with the possibility of entering the origin identifier in addition to its description. Once you are sure that the data entered is correct, press the 'Save' button.

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As for corporations, the procedure is similar. To see the available companies of a certain origin, select the corresponding source from the drop-down list.

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Clicking on the icon Image Removedof a company will open a dialog to modify the name and the NIF of the company. After any modification it is necessary to press the button 'Save'. It is also possible to remove a company with the same condition as the origin, that is, that it does not have associated batches.

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To create a new companu, click on the button Image Removed will open the same dialog before but with the possibility to edit other fields. First select the source in which you want to create the company from the drop-down list and then enter the company ID, your name and your NIF. Once you are sure that the data is correct, click on 'Save' to create the company.

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Unregistered companies are companies that are not registered in the database but for which there are associated lots. Clicking on a company in the list will show two options. The first one,' Register company code', allows you to create a new company code with the origin and company code identifiers that are already being displayed.

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By clicking on' Reassign batches', the user can choose a company code of the same origin to which the batches will be associated.

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  • Certificate configuration

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Pressing this tile the user will be redirected to the certificate management application where they must authenticate with a user and password of this application.

  • Archive registries

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This section, which works similarly to the monitoring of registries, contains those registriies that have been archived and which are not taken into account for the searches and indicators of the main screen. The difference with the rest of the tiles of registries that if you select registers from the list, the possibility of restoring them and returning them to their original state appears.

Image Removedyou will find different functionalities for the correct operation of the product.

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