From the monitor, you will find the following functionalities for the issued eInvoice report types.
It will be necessary to select at least one record to carry out this action.
Nota |
Only records in the following states can be reprocessed: 9000 - Poland Romania invoice issuance process started 9002 - Error extracting data from invoice 9004 - Error while creating XML file 9006 - Technical error 9008 - Invoice rejected by KSeFANAF 9013 - Invoice status pending
XML Allows you to view the XML of the records at the current moment. This XML view may not correspond to the XML view found in the attachment field since the parameterization of some fields may have been modified from the time of sending until now.
Nota |
Only records in the following states can be reprocessed: 9007 - Invoice accepted by KSeFANAF 9010 9013 - Corrected invoice accepted rejected by KSeFANAF 9011 - Corrected invoice rejected by KSeFaccepted by ANAF |
Allows the correction process of an invoice sent to the TA to be carried out. It will be possible to make as many corrections as necessary to the invoice, always taking into account the regulations applicable to corrective invoices.
A pop up will appear to confirm the action and after confirmation, the mapping process will be carried out and then sent to the TA with the corrections made.
A pop-up window will display the history of the states the record has gone through. The following fields will be visible: