🏷️V3.0 Estado subtle true colour Green title SUPPORT PACKAGE Estado subtle true colour Blue title RELEASED Estado subtle true colour Green title LATEST VERSION RELEASED
6 November 2023
Code adaptations were made for the new OSA schemas and ABAP proxies of version 3.0. This involved adjustments to the XML invoice mapping logic, including the introduction of fields such as "customerVatStatus" and automatic assignment of the customer's tax ID number. In addition, changes were implemented in the "LINE" and "INVOICE SUMMARY" sections, as well as modifications to the VAT exemption table, with the inclusion of new fields and optimizations in the search aids. Adjustments were also made to the VAT rate fields, eliminating obsolete fields and adding new validations.
New functionality
Code adaptations for the new OSA schemas and abap proxies of version 3.0.
Code adaptations for the new mapping logic in the XML issued invoice.
Code adaptations for the new mapping logic in the XML issued invoice.
Modifications in the VAT exemption table.
New finding aids.