Versiones comparadas


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By clicking the "Execute" button, the results screen (ALV screen) will appear, displaying a list of documents in the SAP system that conform to the parameters selected on the previous screen (Selection screen). This list will show documents where discrepancies have been found between the invoice ID data reported or being reported in the LROE XML annotation file and the data currently recorded in the SAP system.Image Removed


The ALV Screen consists of the following columns:



Company code

FI Company code in SAP

Annotation type

Invoice type (FE or FR)


Chapter to which the financial document belongs.
Chapter 1 - Issued invoices (FE)
Chapter 2 - Received invoices (FR)


Subchapter to which the financial document belongs.
Subchapter 1.2

FI doc. Nº

Financial accounting document number

Fiscal year

Year in which the financial document was posted.

Doc. Type

Document type.

Doc. date

Document date.

Posting date

Date in which the document was posted.


Status of the LROE Registration file in the b+ LROE Monitor

Status description

Status description of the LROE Registration file in the b+ LROE Monitor


Flag that indicates the LROE registration file has been previously received by the Tax Authority.


Current TIN of issuer

Tax identification number assigned to the company code and being mapped by SAP.

TIN of issuer

Tax Identification Number of the tax payer, reported or to be reported to the Tax Authority.


Current invoice nº

Invoice number currently being mapped by SAP.

Invoice nº

Invoice number reported or to be reported to the Tax Authority.


Current issuance date

Invoice issuance date being mapped by SAP.

Issuance date

Invoice issuance date reported or to be reported to the Tax Authority.


The report presents a visual comparison of invoice ID data in the SAP system and data mapped in the LROE registration file XML for documents with discrepancies. Discrepancies are highlighted in bold and the Invoice Number and Date of Issuance columns are displayed side by side for easy comparison. No results will be displayed if no discrepancies are found.


 The The lines of documents with discrepant data will be highlighted and the 'Update Invoice ID' button will be enabled 


 After the confirmation message is closed, the document will no longer be displayed on the ALV screen of the report. By returning to the LROE b+ monitor, one will be able to find the LROE registration file in their respective states, according to the case applied.


For this example, the case applied is Case 2.
