Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.


  • The new CHANGE_ELECTRONIC_INVOICE method of the BADI /EDGE/BADI_TB_CREA is provided to be able to change this setting within the TBAI channel class /EDGE/CL_TB_CHANNEL_GEN. /EDGE/TB_ESPOT_CREA

The report /EDGE/RP_TB_TB_LROE_CONTINUE_PROC does a search for all invoices with the new status (6222). Once all the invoices have been retrieved, we will process them one by one to avoid the chaining error. An update of the status to 6200 will be done and we will continue with the usual processing (resumption) of the invoices.
