bplus.sii.installation.package.sap.pi.750.addon.v1.8.0.zip: Versión del producto b+dgtal compliance for SAP PI/PO en su versión 7.50.
Unzipping these files will show you a folder with the following structure:
In the SCAs folder you will find the files that you have to install on the Java EE machine. For this process follow the following link: https://techedgespain.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BPSE/pages/51305431/4.+Deploy+of+the+SCAs
The TPZ files are files that you have to import into the Enterprise Service Repository tool of SAP PI/PO. You can find more information on how to proceed with the import and configuration of the tpz content by following this link: 3. Instalación del software