Versiones comparadas


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  1. If you have installed the version 2.0 previously. You need to install these two orders in the following order.

    1. OSDK905879 Workbench transport request

    2. OSDK905880 Customizing transport request

  2. If you have not installed version 2.0 and the upgrade is coming from a version previous to version 2.0, please, install 2.0 version and then proceed as indicated in step 1.




In order to install this version via commands, you need to download the following commands from the One Place portal:


This release consists of the following transport request (per installation order):

  1. Order OSDK905256 Order OSDK905879 - b+ EI Hungria Versión 2electronic invoice Hungary v.3.0 OT6- Workbench: consists of release 2.0 which includes product development with corrections for sending invoices to the NAV with the NEW version 23.0. These release notes are available for consultation at: b+ EI Hungary ECC 2Release notes - 3.0 - Release notes . This transport request is a transport of copies whose contents are Workbench only. Consequently, you only need to install this transport request in one client.

  2. Order OSDK903997  b+ Electronic Invoice - Hungary 1.2 version Customizing (only needs to be installed if version 1.2 was not installed previously): Custo order containing OSDK905880 b+ electronic invoice Hungary v.3.0 - Customizing this request contain only customizing content. This customizing request is client dependent. For , for this reason it is necessary to install this transport request in ALL the clients that are availableclients you need to use this product.