Versiones comparadas


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Accessing the Conciliation of Registries Tile, we will obtain the list of conciliations carried out

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  • Status - Status with which the reconciliation has ended: With errors / In progress / Completed with differences / Completed without differences
  • Concilia ID: Sequential number that identifies the conciliation number.
  • Origin: Origin from which the conciliation comes
  • Company: Company from which the conciliation originates
  • Version: Conciliation release. Currently available and default V 1.1
  • Administration: Tax Agency to which the company is assigned (The Administration of the companies is managed through the Tile of Management and Origins of Companies and its completion is a mandatory requirement for the proper execution of the conciliation).
  • Book: Type of conciliated book. Currently available books:
      - Invoices issued
      - Incoming invoices
      - Investment Goods
      - Intra-Community operations
  • Period: Conciliated period
  • Year: Conciliatory Exercise
  • Accounting differences: It will show the general data of the conciliation as well as the accounting differences that would have been detected in each case.


From the main screen of the tile pressing the button  will show a pop up where we will introduce the data of the conciliation to make


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When the selected company applies to both Agencies, pressing the button  will show a pop up where we select the Agencies to concilate.

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Once the selection has been made and confirmed, the conciliation(s) will be displayed on the monitor.

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In a conciliation with status Finished with differences, if we click on the button will show a pop up with the following information:


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From the accounting differences we can see the differences in terms of totals, tax bases and fees passed on and borne

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A pop-up will be shown with detailed information and the differences between the Administration and the Dashboard


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In the section of Accounting Differences, we will be able to see the sum of the amount of the registers that are in the Tax Agency, the sum of the registers of the Dashboard and the difference between both.

We will be able to display both the Tax Base and the quotas to see the detail of the amounts by types of indicators.

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We will be able to navigate to the detail of the conciliation. Clicking on it will show the following information:

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We will be shown a screen with two tabs that we detail below:


Concilia will make a comparison of the fields indicated in the attached table, leaving the rest of the fields outside the comparison:

Campo a comparar
Fecha de expediciónEjercicioPeríodoImporteID ContraparteNombre razón contraparteFecha registro contableCuota deducibleID Tipo contraparteRégimen especialReferencia externaTipo registroSubtipo registroTipo impositivoBase imponibleCuota repercutidaCuota soportadaTipo recargo equivalenciaCuota recargo equivalenciaPorcentaje compensación REAGYPImporte compensación REAGYP
Field to compare
Expedition date
Counterpart ID
Name reason counterpart
Accounting record date
Deductible fee
Counterparty Type ID
Special regime
External reference
Record type
Record subtype
Tax rate
Tax base
Fee passed on
Supported fee
Equivalence surcharge rate
Equivalence surcharge fee
REAGYP compensation percentage
REAGYP compensation amount



Pressing the button  will show an informative pop up to indicate us the system will navigate to the tile of Creation of batches to carry out the correction of the registry.

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Pressing the button  to navigate to the Batch creation screen


    The functionality of mass synchronization of records with differences or orphans is added. We can do it through the Mass Synchronization button

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The system will display the following message

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Once we press Synchronize, the system will create the records and batches marked as Orphans in the Dashboard from the information obtained from the Tax Agency. Likewise, the records that show differences will be overwritten in the Dashboard and updated with the data obtained from the Tax Agency.

We will visualize an informative pop up of the number of records created and the number of records modified

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The records will automatically be marked with the Reconciled check to determine that they have been manually synchronized from Dashboard

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What we achieve with this action is to create entries that have been previously registered in the AT manually and give consistency to those records that have also been modified manually in the AT to avoid inconsistencies in the reconciliation
