Versiones comparadas


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  1. Installing JVM

The recommended version for running Tomcat 8.5 is on Java SE 7.

You can use Java virtual machines that are compatible with different platforms. For more information:

2. Installing Apache Tomcat 8.5

3. Install Database

Bb+ SII Dashboard requires the installation of a database where you store both application data and transactional information data.

Currently the solution is available for two databases:

4. Deployment of web services

In the JEE container the WAR file corresponding to exposed SOAP Web services is displayed: SII-Services.war

In the case of Tomcat, it will be copying the WAR file in the folder '/ Webapps'. If the server is already booted, it will be deployed automatically, otherwise it will have to be started by the script '/startup.bat' in the case of Windows, or '/ start' in the case of Unix

5. Deployment of   web application

In the selected JEE contention the WAR file corresponding to the dashboard is displayed: SII-Dashboard.war

As in the previous case, for Tomcat, it will be copying the WAR file to the '/ webapps' folder. If the server is already booted, it will be deployed automatically, otherwise it will have to be started by the script '/startup.bat' in the case of Windows, or '/ start' in the case of Unix