Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

This flow is active for the next communications:

  • Infocert - FUSE

New developments

To be able to adapt this flow to the product, the ABAP classes for the steps in /N/EDGE/FC_SPRO have been modified. If you have a Z step and you need to implement this flow, compare the classes and adjust them.

Include /EDGE/ST_EI_IT_FR_DATA in data base table /EDGE/FC_TB901 has been modified adding a new field: SIMPLIFIED. This field is CHAR 1 and it will be informed with X if the electronic invoice is simplified.

Some BAdIs have been changed to be able to have the simplified flow. If any of this BAdIs are implemented with Z classes, this classes will need to be adapted.


New method created: SET_DATA_STRUCTURE. This method is used to set what structure we are going to work with. For simplified invoices this structure is /EDGE/SIMPLIFATTURA_ELETTRONIC.

When you instance this BAdI this method needs to be called to set the structure. If this method is not called, automatically the structure for “normal” invoices will be set (/EDGE/EI_ITFATTURA_ELETTRONICA).

The method GET_COMPANY_CODE of this BAdI has been changed to cover both flows. If this method has a Z implementacion, please revise this method and adapt it.


New method created: SET_DATA_STRUCTURE. This method is used to set what structure we are going to work with. For simplified invoices this structure is /EDGE/SIMPLIFATTURA_ELETTRONIC.

When you instance this BAdI this method needs to be called to set the structure. If this method is not called, automatically the structure for “normal” invoices will be set (/EDGE/EI_ITFATTURA_ELETTRONICA).

New method created: GET_VENDOR_SIMPL. This method will map the vendor for simplified invoices.