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Transaction /EDGE/FC_SPRO → Configuration folder "General parameters".

Through this setting the following information is assigned for the correct execution of the b+ Core Framework:

  • Business Object of the whole process (Column "Object type")
    Set fixed "/EDGE/FCBO".

  • Log level (Column "Log level")
    Corresponds to the log level to be persisted in the technical log of the product processes. This setting can be overwritten in each of the business units; however, if the parameter is not set in any business unit, then it applies to that business unit.
    Possible values are:
    • 1 → All types of messages are saved.
    • 2 → Only message types S, W, E are saved.
    • 3 → Only message types W, E are saved.
    • 4 → Only E message types are saved.

  • ID Product ("ID Product" column)
    Corresponds to the same product ID as the one under which the licence was installed in the step "Installing the licence". 

  • Class for external file uploading (Column "External file receiving implementation")
    This parameter is optional, and is used to assign the class that is able to receive files externally to start the b+ Core Framework processes, without knowing to which business units each of the files belong. This class must implement the /EDGE/IF_FC_START_PROCESS_EXT interface.
    This class has the responsibility to start the b+ Core Framework processes using the business unit corresponding to each of the incoming files.
    In case there is a scenario in which it is not possible to 'hard-code' the business object that will be executed, it is recommended to configure the class /EDGE/CL_FC_START_PROCESS_EXT in this field and set up the entire module for automatic business unit determination.

Example of the configuration for these parameters:

  • Sin etiquetas