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UC-04a | ArtifactManagement - Upload artifacts |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - User must be logged
Description | Functionality to upload new artifacts associtated with and existent version |
Secuence | - User request to upload artifacts by version identifier
- System returns modal component to upload multiple large files.
- User adds artifacts and start upload process.
- System starts upload in background and notifies the user after completion.
- System saves artifact to the underlying datastorage
- System calculates MD5 over the uploaded artifact
- System creates an artifact metadata entry with storage stats.
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who created that artifact. |
Exceptions | System must reject version if provided version identifier KEY does not exist. |
Comments | Upload events must be prevented once an upload task has started. System must alert user about that. |
UC-04b | ArtifactManagement - Get Artifact |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | |
Description | Functionality to retrieve an artifact |
Secuence | - User request to obtain an artifact from the repository by identifier
- If user has ROLE_CUSTOMER licenses must be validated (@see UC-03g VersionManagement - validateLicenses)
- Once validated, system recovers artifact from underlying storage and returns to the user as a downloadable item.
- System audits the artifact downloaded by the customer for stats pourposes.
- System may show a progress bar of the download process.
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primarey key does not exist. System will raise and exception if license could not be validated |
Comments | None |
UC-04c | ArtifactManagement - Get packaged Artifacts |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | |
Description | Functionality to retrieve an set of artifacts |
Secuence | - User request to obtain the whole bunch of artifacts of a version.
- System recovers all the artifacts (@see UC-04c ArtifactManagement-GetArtifact).
- System packages all the artifacts in a single zip package.
- System audits the artifact downloaded by the customer for stats pourposes.
- System may show a progress bar of the download process.
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primary key does not exist. System will raise and exception if license could not be validated |
Comments | None |
UC-04d | |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - User must be logged
- User could have ANY ROLE
Description | Functionality to retrieve Versions Artifacts metadata |
Secuence | - User request the details of a version
- System retrieve artifacts metadata of current version and show it to the user
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who updated version |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primarey key does not exist. |
Comments | None |
UC-04e | VersionManagement - Remove artifact |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - User must be logged
- User could have ROLE_PRODUCT_MANAGER
Description | Functionality to remove an artifact |
Secuence | - User request to remove an artifact.
- System will warn about the loose of data (storage and metadata).
- User accepts to remove the version.
- System removes version from storage and deletes the associated metadata.
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | None |
Comments | None |