In this section we will discuss the customizing points that should be considered with the upgrade to version 1.1 of the XML set by the AEAT. This upload is incorporated in the 1.7.4 version of the product and it is in the installation of this new version when the points that are to be detailed below must be reviewed.
The points to be addressed are as follows:
18.1. BAdIs SII 1.1
18.2. New mapping classes
18.3. New book of additional properties
18.4. Middleware customizing
18.5. New types of batches
Once the system has been set up accordingly, you need to trigger the transaction for loading company codes and generate the correct setting for the new documents:
Select all the applicable company codes and reload them so that they are set correctly and in green.
Once version 1.7.4 is installed and the system has been parameterized to the established requirements ,the new version of XML can be used. In the table "MW parameterization in SII":
the parameter VERSION_XML is defined: