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To enhance the FI and MM position tables, the following adjustments must be done.

Enhance ALV structure

The ALV structure must be extended with an append by adding the required fields. The structures to be enhance are:

ALV to enhanceDictionary structure
FI document items/EDGE/EI_IT_ALV_FI
FI tax positions/EDGE/EI_IT_ALV_FI_TAX
Purchase order items/EDGE/EI_IT_ALV_PO
Incoming invoice positions/EDGE/EI_IT_ALV_MM


BAdI Implementation

To give a default mapping to these new fields it will be necessary to implement the mapping BAdIs:

ALV to enhanceBAdIMethod

The default mapping for the new fields is not necessary, since the mapping is only carried out when you press the posting button without having previously saved the data in the database using the SAVE button.

In this case, simply enter the desired values in the ALV of the position tables and press the SAVE button to store the data.

In order for these new fields to be editable, the catalog of each ALV must be modified. To do this, the BAdI /EDGE/BADI_EI_IT_FIELD_CATALOG must be implemented. This BAdI consists of 3 methods, one for the FI positions, one for the FI tax positions, and a third method for the MM positions. Implement the corresponding one in each case.

This way, the ALV can be enhanced and edited:

NOTE: Do not forget that when a value in the ALVs in changed, the button Intro needs to be pressed to save the data in the ALV.

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