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Transaction code: /EDGE/FC_03


To access the electronic invoice ALV screen, the following mandatory input parameters required by the monitor will need to be entered.


It is a list field that, when expanded, will display the electronically invoice products configured in the Functional configuration of the b+ dgtal eInvoice.

This field is used to specify the electronic billing monitor you wish to access.


The "Electronic Invoice ID" is a unique number assigned to each electronic invoice record generated in the system.

Through this field, it is possible to specify a specific Electronic Invoice ID or a range of numbers.


This corresponds to the date on which the electronic invoice record was generated in the system.

Through this field, you can specify a specific date or a range of dates.

To access the ALV screen, you must select the corresponding "Report" for the electronic invoice product and fill in at least one of the other two fields ("Electronic Invoice ID" or "Invoice Entry Date").


Once the required parameters and data have been entered, press the "Execute" button (F8) to access the ALV screen, which will display all electronic invoice records that match the selection criteria and are associated with the report selected on the previous screen.

The ALV screen features the following functionalities:


It allows for the reprocessing of selected electronic invoice records, aiming to correct specific generation errors and enable their progression to subsequent states in the event of failures or when the step configuration is not automatic.


This functionality allows the user to manually stop the processing of the selected electronic invoice records.

The "End process" functionality requires that the MANUAL_ENDING_STATUS parameter is configured in the corresponding interpreter, specifying the state in which the process should be left once completed.


Clicking on the Electronic Invoice ID number (Column "eInvoice ID") provides access to the detailed view of the invoice, displaying the standard product fields.

The user must have the transaction /EDGE/FC_BO_01 assigned to access the "View Electronic Invoice Detail" screen.

  • LOG

By clicking on the icon in the "Log" column, access is provided to the processing history of the electronic invoice record (Log).

The upper section, presents each of the reprocesses that have been executed for the invoice.

To obtain information about what happened during a specific execution, double-click on the process to be inquired.

The details of what occurred during that execution will be displayed in the lower section of the screen.

The log level is configurable, so the level of detail in the information depends on the configured level.

At the interpreter level, the LOG_LEVEL parameter must be configured with the log level for this, or at the overall product level.


Through this column, you can access the "Attachments List" window, where you can download and view the attached files of an electronic invoice record.

Through the electronic invoice monitor, it is possible to navigate to standard SAP transactions by clicking on the data displayed as underlined in the ALV screen.

Among the navigable data are:

VIM Document

FI Document

SD Invoice Document

Customer Master Data

Supplier Master Data.

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