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Through the transaction: /n/edge/al_monitor you can access the Alarm Monitor Cockpit, where you select the Fields for selecting alarms: Product and Product Object.

Once the fields have been defined, different filters can be made by different variables according to the user's requirements and according to the object and type of object selected.

After executing the Cocktpit with the necessary fields and filters, a screen will be displayed with the following information:

  • Types of alarms

On the left of the screen, the different types of alarms will be shown with the corresponding alarms for each type for the selected product

To view the detail of each alarm, we will select the required alarm in each case, and all the information corresponding to it will be shown.

Icon Legend



Alarm type

Active alarm

Inactive alarm

Unselected alarm

Selected alarm

  • Alarm data

On the right side of the screen, after selecting any of the alarms, we will be able to view all the detailed data of the same as well as the records that have caused the same

The fields of the records assigned to the alarm will depend on the product and the selected product object

We will visualize the following fields:

  • Channel: Methodology for sending alarm communications

  • Recipient list: Details a list with all the users who will receive the alarm notifications

  • Escalation list: Group of users who will receive the alarm notifications when, and according to configuration, the first group within the recipient list has received a certain number of notifications. For example, from the fourth notification, an escalation is made and an email is sent to those responsible who belong to the Escalation List.

  • Body SAPScript: Allows you to view the message that will be sent in the notification

  • Term in hours: Corresponds to time; in hours, which will pass between the sending of notifications. For example, every 1 hour an email is sent.

  • Number of notifications for escalation: Reports the number of notifications that have been made for the group in the Escalation List.

  • Records assigned to the alarm:

It shows a list with all the records that meet the conditions of the selected alarm and the details related to the configured alarm.

Navigable fields: Depending on the product and the selected product object, the Records section assigned to the alarm will present different navigable fields.

When navigating to the corresponding record, a screen will be displayed where we can find different functionality

To learn more about the functionalities enabled, you can consult the Seat Monitor section (Monitor de asientos ).

  • Notification number - The system will show the detail of the number of notifications sent for each record

The system displays a pop-up window with the details of the notifications that have been sent and the details of the list to which it was sent.

Although the alarm notifications are configured to be sent automatically, we can perform two different functions to send notifications from this section.


With this option, a complete notification will be sent informing of all the transactions affected by it to the distribution lists configured for each alarm.


After a previous selection of one or more seats, a notification will be sent to the distribution lists configured in the alarm, reporting only the selected seats.


The user will be able to deactivate individual alarm instances manually from the Active check. Once deselected, the alarm will be disabled automatically and will not generate notifications.

By clicking on the Activate check again, it will be activated again.

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