What happens with invoices sent in the productive enviroment between 19 and 30 of June?
In order to allow end-to-end testing and exceptionally the AEAT will enable the production environment between June 19, 2017 and June 29, 2017 without the shipments made have tax significance, proceeding on the 30th Of June 2017 to the physical erasure of the production environment, which will be closed for that purpose on that day (see point 4.3 of the following document http://www.agenciatributaria.es/static_files/AEAT/Contenidos_Comunes/La_Agencia_Tributaria/Modelos_y_formularios/Suministro_inmediato_informacion/FicherosSuministros/Version_Produc/Informacion_Fase_Pruebas_SII_es_es.pdf.
The intention of this document is to explain what actions we must take in the ECC system to, once the tests have been carried out, to prepare the system for the output to production and to ensure that it is not compromised the sending of the records that were used for sending Test, these actions will be performed using the exceptional processing functionality, which will require that the user that we use has SII admissible permissions. The steps to be performed are as follows:
- In the cockpit we will make a search of all the existing lots in the system, for this we will select the search by lot number and enter in the fields company and lot number the value of the lots and their companies used to make tests, it must be repeated This process for all batches sent. In the case that few batches and records have been sent, all of them can be searched, but if massive tests have been performed this search may be cumbersome for the system.
- Once the search is done, in the batches tab, we will perform the following steps:
- Seleccionaremos los lotes recuperados (podemos seleccionar un rango de ellos manteniendo pulsada la tecla shift).
- Click on the button "Tramitación excepcional".
- In the drop-down box that appears, we will select the status "Descartado" .
- Then press the OK button
- Finally we check that the selected lots are in status "Descartado" .
- Once the batches are processed, we will navigate to the records tab where we will find the intermediate eDocuments included in the selected batches, in this tab we will perform the following steps:
- We will select all the records by pressing the button from ALV.
- Click on the button "Tramitación excepcional".
- In the drop-down box that appears, we will select the status "A incluir en lote".
- Then press the OK button
- Finally we check that the selected lots are in status"A incluir en lote".
And this would end the process of manual adaptation, once completed the lots generated would be considered discarded and our records would be ready to be sent in new lots as of July 1.
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