Release 1.0.9

Release 1.0.9

List of improvements Fattura PA V1.0.9

1ImprovementNew output design for HTML invoices


New functionality

Toolbar button to show HTML format invoice

3ImprovementComplete change of the logistic posting screen 
4ImprovementEasy interaction with the user when entering data
5New functionalityWithholding data by supplier
6New functionalityGL/Account tab to indicate indirect postings for Logistic post.
7ImprovementFI posting screen add new fields in vendor tab, add new fields in payment data tab, add withholding tax tab. Alv redesign xml document items.
8ImprovementPosting manual. Transfer of data to standard transactions.
9New functionalityNew status for Infocert and SDI.
10ImprovementText translation to Spanish and Italian

Avvale 2024