Communication through the TCI (RO)
This configuration must be done for each of the different systems in which you want to use the connection to the Tax Authority (AT). It should be communicated to the TCI team whether the desired connection is to the AT's test or productive system.
The following steps detail the process for configuring this type of connection:
Enter transaction SOAMANAGER to create the necessary logical ports for the proper functioning of the application.
In the Web Service Administration section, look for the following proxies. For each of them, create a logical port, which will carry the TCI system information to be called.
Each of the proxies should have an independent logical port. Below is the procedure for creating a logical port for the proxy /EINVO/CO_RO_ENVIO_FACTURA_UPW. The process and the data entered for this proxy will be the same for configuring the rest of the proxies.
First, select the line of the proxy, and we create the logical port manually.
The name of the logical port to create is not relevant, but it is necessary to select that the logical port is the default port.
It is very important that the created logical port is marked as the default port because if it is not, the connection will not work.
After selecting and pressing the next button “Apply Setting”, another section will appear where the following information must be provided:
On the Consumer Security, indicate that the authentication mode against the TCI system is by username and password.
The username and password data should be provided by the TCI system administrator.
On the “Messaging”, the same options as shown in the following image should be selected:
On the 'HTTPS Setting' tab, the following data must be provided:
URL Access Path: Request from the TCI administration team
Computer name of access URL: Request from the TCI administration team
Port number: Request from the TCI administration team
URL protocol information: Request from the TCI administration team
The rest of the data should be the same as indicated in the image below:
No need to configure the other tabs.
Avvale 2024