Release notes 2.3.2
| Description | Documentation | |
1 | New functionality | Table modification. |
2 | Improvement | Text changed. |
3 | New functionality | Excepcional transmission, a new button on the monitor to change manually the status of the invoices. | AltriDatiGestionali include the value of BSEG-SGTXT in the field TipoDato (This logic has been implement in the reservation class /EDGE/CL_EI_IT_BADI_ISS_DATI_B of BADI /EDGE/EI_IT_BADI_ISS_DATI_BENI) |
4 | Improvement | Change the precission of xml’s field PrezzoTotale from 2 to 8 decimals. |
5 | Improvement | Validation field from table Configuration VAT | Validation of Nature’s field of table “Configuration VAT“ to show an error message when the Tax % is different of 0%. |
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