Manual operation Release 1.7.4

Manual operation Release 1.7.4

After the installation of version 1.7.4, certain points must be checked to adjust the customizing and ensure the correct functioning of the installed release.
  1. First, you must review the customizing assignment guide for the new release of XML 1.1  and adjust the system and the relevant customizing with this help. For this it is recommended to read all the documentation in the link: 2.1.18. Version AEAT 1.1 and make the necessary changes.
  2. For the part of Concilia, it is necessary to read the documentation on this release in the link:  6. Version AEAT 1.1
  3. In addition, In this release licenses for the Concilia are checked, whitch must be activated. It is necessary to consult the page: 9. Licenses and you must add the properly licensed.

Avvale 2024