The monitor's main fuctions shown on the toolbar are the following:
In the toolbar, standard SAP functionalities are included and, at the end of the line, there are extra functionalities added for the product. To work with one of these functions, it is required to select the invoice needed and press one of the following options::
- Reprocess:: Depending on the invoice status, the selected invoice may be reprocessed to restart the flow. A new window will pop-up to confirm or cancel the action.
- View XML: When corresponding line is selected and "View XML" is clicked, you can check the XML file according to the current parameterization.
- View Response: For any rejected invoice, the "View Response" tool will show the agency's answer on the selected invoice. The issues and reasons for rejection codes may be checked with this functionality. In case an invoice is accepted, the View response fuction allows to check whether there are warnings or not on the sent invoice selected.
A new window will pop-up with the error response main information. If the response XML is needed to be checked, the View XML button placed at the bottom right will pop-up a new window with the XML of the response.
- Change status: When a rejected invoice (invoice with status 1052) is corrected or when an invoice is pending for receiving a response (invoice with status 1040), it may be changed into a new status in case the invoice needs to be resent
Authorization role needed
The role ZTEST_EIHU is required to perform this action. Only authorized users may access this function to perform a status change.
If the selected invoice is a rejected invoice with status 1052 and it has been corrected, press the Change status buttom to pop-up a new window, in order to select the new corresponding status 1058 Corrected invoice and confirm.
A new message will pop-up to confirm the status has been chaged.
Afterwards, the invoice is set with the new status and can be reprocessed with the Reprocess invoice function.
If the selected invoice has the status 1040 Waiting Invoince response from MW, the process for changing the status is the same, exept the option to be selecte must be 1000 Invoicing process started.
Afterwards, the invoice may be reprocessed.
- Technical annulment: This function performs the technical annulment process described on the section 2.4 of the The NAV Online Invoicing System guide published in the official website of the NAV agency
Authorization role needed
The role ZTEST_EIHU is required to perform this action. Only authorized users may access this fucntion to perform the technical annulment process.
In order to procced with the technical annulment process it is required the selected invoice has the status 1051 Invoice accepted, then press the Technical annulment function buttom. This will pop-up a new window, wich will show the options for the selection of the technical annulment reason.
When selectting an option, the system will confirm the acton with a new pop-up window message.
If it is accepted, the invoice status will change as follows:
If the invoice selected does not have the proper 1051 status, the system will show up the following message:
The monitor's column title shows the following invoice data:
- eInv. ID: Electronic Invoice Identification generated automatically by the system.
- CoCode: SAP Company code.
- Year: Year in which the invoice is posted.
- Inv. Date: Date on which the invoice is posted
- Doc. Type: Fecha de contabilización de la factura
- Issuer ID: Tax identification (CIF) of the invoice issuer.
- Issuer's name: Name of the issuing company.
- Doc. No FI: Financial document number. Navigate to the financial document.
- Status: Icon that represents the status of the invoice.
- Status description: Status description.
- Attachs.: Open attachment list with documents attached to the einvoice.
- Log: Opens the log screen with technical information for the the invoice, specifying the communication steps performed.
- Alarm: If the invoice has an associated alarm, whether active or inactive, by clicking on the light bulb, the system will navigate to the alarms component.
- Total amount: Total amount of the invoice.
- Total value tax: Total VAT amount of the invoice.
- Entry date: Date on which the invoice was entered on the monitor. It will generally match with the system entry date.
- Entry time: Entry hour of the invoice on the monitor.
- Entry user: User who entered the data.