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📚 Release notes 2.3.3
Added new scenario including SAP PI as middelware and Infocert as 3er party.
🚚 OSDK908050
🚚 OSDK908038
📁 b+ dgtal tBai - Versión 1.7.1zip
New functionality
🏷️V2.3.2 PATCH RELEASED 27 September 2022
📚 Release notes 2.3.2
In this version we have worked on some bug fixes such as accuracy, we have also developed new functionality like the new monitor button (Excepcional transmission).
🚚 OSDK906775
🚚 OSDK906762
📁 b+ electronic invoice Italy - Versión
Text changed of table nature ‘N7'
Change the precission of xml’s field PrezzoTotale from 2 to 8 decimals.
Validation of Nature’s field of table “Configuration VAT“ to show an error message when the Tax % is different of 0%.
Excepcional transmission, a new button on the monitor to change manually the status of the invoices.
Add new entrie TD28 with the description Acquisti da San Marino con IVA (fattura cartacea to view Document type.
🏷️V2.3.1 PATCH RELEASED 3 December 2021
📚 Release notes 2.3.1
In this version we have worked on the improvement of the new field in tables.
🚚 OSDK906337
🚚 OSDK906317
📁 b+ electronic invoice Italy - Versión
Text changed of table nature ‘N6.2’
Add the “Self-billing” field in the “Configuration VAT” table
🏷️V2.3.0 PATCH RELEASED 26 March 2021
📚 Release notes 2.3
In this version we have worked on the improvement of the new field in tables and mapping.
🚚 OSDK905834
🚚 OSDK905835
📁 b+ electronic invoice Italy - Versión
Add the “Deferred Type” field in the “Configuration VAT” table
Mapping Logic for the field “Type Document” field has been modified.