The possibles status that are returned in this request are:
When one of these status is returned, an electronic invoice status is given to the invoice. This relation is done in SAP table /EDGE/EI_IT_STAT. The relationship between the status is the following:
iInfocert Status | Status Description (Infocert) | Electronic Invoice Status | Status Description (EI) |
CONSEGNATO_DEST | Invoice correctly received by the addressee | 4154 | Delivery Receipt |
DA_INVIARE | In preparation for sending to the SDI (Exchange System) | 4169 | Waiting for SDI response |
ERRORE_CONSEGNA | The receiving channel of SDI has rejected the invoice | 4167 | Receipt Inability to Delivery |
FIRMATO | The invoice was signed | 4168 | Signed Invoice |
IMPORTATO | Successfully imported by LegalInvoice Hub | 4171 | Invoice received at Thirdparty |
INVIATO | The invoice was sent to SDI | 4170 | Invoice received in SDI |
IN_VALIDAZIONE | Waiting for validation | 4175 | Validating by thirdparty |
MANCATA_CONSEGNA | Delivery to the recipient is not possible. In this case (B2B and B2C) this is the final status and, therefore, the invoice is issued and is available to the recipient in the "Invoices&Revices" area of the Inland Revenue. | 4164 | Error in SDI XML Processing |
SCARTATO | Rejected by LegalInvoice Hub (validation error) | 4163 | Error Processing Invoice by Third Party |
SCARTATO_DEST | Invoice discarded from the addressee (PA or private) | 4177 | Rejected by thirdparty |
SCARTATO_SDI | Invoice rejected from SDI | 4163 | Error Processing Invoice by Third Party |
VALIDATO | Formally validated by LegalInvoice Hub | 4176 | Validated by thirdparty |
Note: If new status are returned from infocert and you need them to associate them to an electronic invoice status, you can customized this table in transaction SM30 indicating “INFOCERT” in the first field (Thirdparty).