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Once one or more search selection fields have been filled in and after executing the report, the list with the data that meets the selected selection criteria will be displayed.


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The electronic billing monitor allows the user to access greater detail through the following fields:

  • ID. Fact. Electronics - Browse the electronic invoice detail


  • Document No. - Navigate to the financial document


  • Status - Displays the sequence of processing steps for a TBAI monitor record.


  • Recipient - Generates a pop-up window with the list of recipients to which the record is issued. The system from here allows navigation to the master of each client.


  • Attachment - Generates a pop-up window with the details of the files sent and the QR code.



Only in the case of correct registrations will we have the QR code display available.

When By selecting the file "Invoices TicketBAITBAI Inv. registration", the XML file sent submitted to the Provincial Foral Treasury is displayed.


Selecting By selecting the file "QR Code TBAl" displays , the QR code generated for registration


the record is displayed.

If a file has been sent to the Zuzendu service to make corrections or modifications, the submitted XMLs as well as the response will be shown in this section; identified with the type of document and the sequential number, if it has been sent multiple times.

If a file has been sent to the Osatu service to send the additional fields, the submitted XMLs as well as the response will be shown in this section, identified with the type of document and the sequential number, if it has been sent multiple times.

Through them, we will be able to view all the corresponding XMLs for these submissions."


  • Log - Navigate to transaction SLG1, where you can view the log of each shipment and the corresponding errors, if any.


  • Messages - If the log displays any type of error or warning message, an icon will be displayed in the Messages field. Pressing it will show the error or warning
