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For this, Techedge offers a portal where to perform this action: In case you do not have a user, please send an email to the address where a user will be provided.


Archivos adjuntos






PDF file documentación_oneplace.v0.1.pdf


mar. 16, 2021 by Carlos Ivan Prieto


PNG file image-20210316-180251.png


mar. 16, 2021 by Carlos Ivan Prieto


PNG file image-20210316-180421.png


mar. 16, 2021 by Carlos Ivan Prieto


PNG file  image-20210316-180438.png


mar. 16, 2021 by Carlos Ivan Prieto

Download all

Once registered in the portal we can proceed to download the files that make up the drop-down. In the case of starting an installation from scratch on the SAP PI / PO component, the files to download are the following, depending on the version of SAP Process Integration or Process Orchestration with which you are working:
