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Transaction /EDGE/FC_SPRO -> Configuration Folders "Business Units" -> "Business Unit parameters"


The columns that need to be configured are:

  • Parameter

    This corresponds to the name of the parameter or constant. Usually, this value is in a class called "Constants" as a constant attribute.


    Image Modified
    And in the configuration, it appears as follows:
    Image Modified

  • Value
    Corresponds to the value of the parameter.

The way to obtain these constants from ABAP code is as follows:

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Assuming that the parameter pc_context is present in all methods of the executing step.



VIM channel ID through which VIM invoices data is received.

COMPANY_CODE_PARAMParameter in table T001Z that indicates the fiscal identification for an FI company code.
INTERFACEName of the interface containing the XML definition of the electronic invoice for transformation.
LOG_LEVELLog level for the business unit.
MANUAL_ENDING_STATUSState in which a process should be placed when a user manually terminates it from transaction /EDGE/FC_03.
METHODName of the method in the interface containing the XML definition of the e-invoice for transformation.
STATUS_OK_AFTER_ERROR_TRANSState in which a process should be placed after executing the XML transformation, provided that the process was initially in an error state.
BPLUS_REPORT_FIELD_SOURCEField in the functional log table (/edge/scenario) of b+ Factura E where the relation with the electronic invoicing process of the product is found. Commonly, it is the field INVOICE_NUMBER.
BPLUS_REPORT_FIELD_TARGETField in the electronic invoices table of b+ Core Framework  dgtal eInvoice where the relation with the b+ Factura E process is found. Commonly, it is the field EINVID.

B+ Factura E scenario that has been configured for integration with the electronic invoicing process of the product.