Versiones comparadas


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Installation files:

In this version, two new support packages are released:


Then select the TESII component.

The SPs to be installed will appear in green.

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Press the green check and in the next pop up, press NO.

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Press the release icon.

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Select the installation in the background.

If the SPAU and SPDD are skipped during this process, make the necessary adjustments.

Once the process is finished, click on the queue confirmation icon.

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Then install the SPs for the TESIICNC component.

Follow the same steps as for the TESII component but in the step where the component is selected, select the TESIICNC component.

Release and confirm the queue as in the previous process.

Finally check that they have been installed correctly:

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BC_SETs activation

Once the support packages have been installed, you need to activate two BC_SETs that are released in this version to have the necessary setting.

The BC_SETs to be activated are the following:

  • /EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SP4_SIN_MANDANT: It only needs to be activated in one client since its tables are not client-dependent.
  • /EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SP4_CON_MANDANT: It needs to be activated it in every available client because the data it contains is client-dependent.

Before activating them, you need to set up table SCPRSTAM. This table is client-independent, so it makes no difference in which client you set it up. It is only set for one client.

In this table, the next entries for the following tables must be added:

  • /EDGE/SII_CS002

To activate BC_SET go to transaction SCPR20. Enter the name of BC_SET: /EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SP4_SIN_MANDANT.

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Click on the  Image Added Consistency Check icon and check that no errors occur.

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Once the consistency has been checked, click on the iconImage Added to activate it.

Press OK as many times as necessary.

This way BC_SET would be activated.

Repeat this process for BC_SET EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SP4_CON_MANDANT in all available clients.